Edison Park PTA
Ways to stay informed
Reach us at:
[email protected]
What We Do
We plan and support activities for the parents, teachers and children: Move-A-Thons, Staff Appreciation Days, Derby Day, Academic Celebrations and much more.
Our purpose: As defined in our PTA bylaws - We, as an association, plan for and host events to promote the welfare of children and youth in home, school, and throughout the community; promote the collaboration and engagement of families and educators in the education of children and youth; engage the public in united efforts to secure the well-being of all children and youth.
How We Do It
We are able to add special events throughout the school year with your financial support and volunteered time.
PTA is a membership association and anyone can join by paying dues, but only members have voting privileges. Dues are $10/annually.
PTA is open to everyone! We encourage parents, school staff, school district staff, grandparents, business leaders, and neighbors to become members.
Why We Do It
We work, plan, fundraise and inform because we love our children and Edison Park!
By joining PTA, you are adding your voice to advocacy efforts on behalf of all children, sending a strong message that you support children and families.
How You Can Get Involved...
Come to the PTA meetings or Events and Volunteer!
Support the fundraisers!