Dress Code
Personal appearance shall not detract from the educational process. The following establishes the minimum acceptable standards for student dress to be interpreted and enforced by the principal or designee. We encourage all students, staff, volunteers and mentors to dress suitably and maintain a clean, orderly appearance at all times. At school, the principal has final authority to determine whether dress is appropriate or deeded disruptive to the learning environment. Our goal is to maintain focus on learning and the dress code will provide our students with a feeling of Edison Park pride. Parents may be required to bring a change of clothes for the child. The code of conduct will be followed regarding dress code procedures.
- Shirts or blouses shall be appropriately fastened in accord with the design of that shirt or blouse.
- Boys and girls MUST have shirts tucked in at all times.
- Girl's blouses made to be worn out are acceptable as long as they are not past fingertip length.
- Long, oversized jerseys are prohibited.
- There will be no spaghetti straps or tank tops allowed. This also includes dresses for graduation or off campus field trips. No bare midriffs (If student's hands are raised, no midriff should be exposed.)
Shorts/ Pants/ Skirts/ Skorts
- Pants should fit properly and be fastened at the waist (a waist tie will be provided, if necessary).
- Pants that are baggy enough to cover the student' shoes are unsafe and prohibited.
- All bottom attire must be fingertip length or longer at all times, (field trips, AR celebrations, etc.). Cut off shorts are not appropriate school attire.
- Leggings may be worn under dress code attire.
For maximum safety and participation in physical education and recess: NO OPEN TOED SHOES, CLOGS, SANDALS/FLIP FLOPS, CROCS, CLEATS, HEELYS, PLATFORM/ HEELS (over 1") will be allowed.
Black Soft Dance or Jazz shoes are required for dance class. They must remain at school in order for students to be prepared for dance class. Information will be provided to your child regarding the type of shoe and locations for purchase.
- Hats are only to be worn outside.
- No symbols, emblems, badges, or insignias to be worn that represent or promote: alcohol, drugs, tobacco, gang or cult relations, or obscenities.
- No make-up is allowed unless it is for a performance and requested by the school.
- Jewelry may not be distracting to self or others. This will be determined according to teacher judgment.
- Only natural hair colors are permitted at school (green, purple, blue, etc will not be allowed).
- No artificial nails allowed.
- No gum chewing.
- For safety reasons no purses, suitcases, or backpacks with wheels will be allowed.