Dismissal Procedures

All dismissal changes must be in writing or called in to the office no later than noon on regular dismissal days and 10am on early dismissal days.

Any Bus Changes

Permission for a student to ride a bus other than the one assigned, or to get off at a stop other than the one assigned, will be approved only in cases of emergency and must be in writing per district policy. Riding other buses for the purpose of going home with friends, going to non-school meetings and clubs and other personal conveniences will not be approved. Students will be refused transportation if they do not have a School Bus Special Request Form signed by the principal. A permission slip may be obtained from the office; it must be filled out from a parental request. The permission slip must be given to the bus driver before they can ride the bus.

*Bus rules must be followed for safe travel. Students must be standing at bus stop 15 minutes prior to scheduled stop time.

*Bus Referrals may result in suspension of bus privileges.

Parent Drop-off Procedures

Parents must drop off their students in the designated area: East building if before 7:25 and ***front doors are now the parent drop off area (front  of school)***. Parking is not permitted in the loading/unloading zone in the front of the school during the posted hours on signage. Parents who do not follow this process pose the risk of being ticketed by the city as it is randomly patrolled by officers. Walking your child to class is permitted in the first 10 days of school only. Use this time to acclimate your young children and teach them how to get to and from their classroom in a responsible and punctual manner. School personnel are posted in various locations to ensure student safely getting to and from class throughout the year. Please follow these procedures as it helps teach them independence and responsibility.

Parent Pickup Procedures

At dismissal (2:10 PM) teachers have assigned duties to aid students in getting to the proper place in a safe and timely manner. Parent pickup will be at the back of the school on Edison Ave.

At parent pickup please adhere to the following procedures:

  • Students will not be permitted to leave with anyone other than the parent/guardian or individuals listed on the emergency card. (Some government agencies showing proper documentation do have authority).
  • When a parent pulls up in the assigned parent pickup area and the car in front of them has a cone on their car, they should pull into the next row.
  • Each vehicle should have a “parent pick up card” (available in the office) displayed with the student’s first name, last initial and grade level listed on it.
  • Each grade level has a teacher standing with the students until all students have been directed to an appropriate cone for pickup.
  • A staff member communicates, via Walkie Talkie, the cone number where students will wait for their ride (Cones 1-8).
  • NO parent/guardian should leave their vehicle unmanned at any time during this process.
  • Any students remaining at PPU once all cars have left, will be escorted to the office and a parent or guardian will be called for pick-up.
  • Please follow staff directions while waiting, safety is our priority. 
  • Please do not use your cell phone while in the parent pick up line.

Student Walker Procedures 

·       Students living under 2 miles are considered walkers. They will be dismissed from walker area in front of school by bike rack following bus departure for safety reasons.